A Beginners Guide for Valorant's Game Modes

Game Modes are essential components for any FPS game. It brings a wider variety of ways to play a game. Game modes are typically found in all the biggest game titles. Riot Games' tactical hero shooter Valorant is being of of them.
There are quite a few modes that can be played in Valorant. These modes are either bases on Plant/Defuse-style or Deathmatch-style. Players can access 5 modes at a time with 4 permanent and 1 rotational mode which changes after every patch.

For a new player, it can be quite tricky as to which one of Valorant's several different game mode they should pick as all provide their unique take on the gameplay. So here is a quick beginner's guide to every game mode to help you decide.

List of Every Game Mode in Valorant 

The following is a diversified list of Valorant's various Game Modes:


This is a primary game mode in Valorant. It consists of two teams- Attacker and Defender. The Attacking team's objective is to plant the spike (a bomb) or eliminate all the living Defenders. When the attacking team plants the spike, they are supposed to defend the spike from getting defused by eliminating all the living Defenders. Only a single player of the attacking team gets the spike.
The Defending team's objective is to prevent the Attackers from planting the spike within the round time limit or by eliminating all the living Attackers. If the spike has already been planted, defenders are supposed to defuse the spike before it gets detonates. So eliminating all the attackers is not enough to win the round if the Attacking team has already planted the spike.

Plant/Defuse is played in rounds with each player getting one life in a round. It also let players to access the shop to buy weapons, shields or abilities. 

Game Modes for Plant/Defuse:


Unrated is Valorant's standard Plant/Defuse mode. Each team consist of 5 players. Teams play a total of 24 rounds consisting 12 rounds for each Defending and Attacking side. Teams get swapped (the attackers become defenders and defenders become attackers) for the other side after playing 12 rounds on either Defending or Attacking. First to 13 rounds win. This mode doesn't affect your rankings. This mode usually lasts for 30-40 minutes.


This is Valorant's "Ranked" game mode of Plant/Defuse. Each team consist of 5 players This mode is same as unrated but if both the team wins 12 round each, the game gets draw. When the game gets draw, an extra 2 match round called "Overtime" is initiated. First team to get a 2 round lead on their opponent wins the game. In case of a draw in overtime, players can vote after every 2 rounds whether to continue further or not. The game gets draw when enough players vote for draw after the overtime. This mode lasts for 30-45 minutes. Upon winning, players are awarded with points while it gets deducted when they lose.


As the name suggests, Replication is a 5v5 game mode where all the players of a team plays as a same agent. After players select the agent they want to play, the game randomly selects an agent out of their choices. Best of 9 wins the match. It usually lasts for 10-15 minutes.

Spike Rush

Spike rush is a best of 7, 5v5 game mode where all players are spawned with the same random weapon. The weapon is changed on occasions. Magical orbs are scattered across the map. Players can grasp those orbs to buff them with additional powers and extra abilities. Some of the orbs can also trouble enemies. This mode lasts for 8-12 minutes. 


If you have played any FPS title before, you're more than likely familiar with the concept of the game. Deathmatch is a game mode where the objective is tied with eliminating as many enemies as you can within the specific time cycle. This mode can either be free for all or team based. Players get infinite amount of lives and after being eliminated, will respawn at any random location of the match after a short delay.

Game Modes for Deathmatch:


As the name says, deathmatch is a standard 12 player solo mode to showcase your gunplay mechanics without abilities. Each players goes on a killing rampage creating crossfire everywhere. Many competitive players use this as a warmup mode. Players can equip weapons of their choice. Abilities are unavailable in this mode. The first player who reach 40 kills or whoever has the highest kills after 9 minutes is the winner.


Escalation is a 5v5 team deathmatch mode where players kill and race the enemy team through a cycle of different weapons and abilities. Teams advance together through 12 different escalation level. The first team who reaches level 12, or the furthest along in 10 minutes, wins the game. Each level has a specific weapon and ability to grant the team who reaches first. This game runs for about 7-10 minutes.

Snowball Fight 

Snowball fight, another 5v5 is a total fun mode to play where the first team to 50 kills or the team having more kills when the 6 minute timer expires, win. The twist in this mode is that all players only have access to a snowball launcher that only fires snowball. A snowball hit results in a one shot kill. Gifts also appear on the map which grants a player with temporary power-ups and can make their snowball much effective. They can increase the snowball size, increase the launcher's rate of fire, make the snowball ricochet or increase the player's movement speed. 

I've covered all the modes you can play on Valorant. If Valorant brings out a new game mode, I'll update it within the blog. Till then, do let me know in the comment section which mode do you find the best :')


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