What We Know About The World of Valorant So Far!

I am really excited to have you back!!!

I haven't seen a lot of people talking about the genesis of this game so I thought I would write the story behind the game for you guys because I find it quite interesting and is very distinguish.

Those who don't know much about Valorant will surely gonna find it interesting. I bet :)

This can be a long blog so grab your drink and enjoy reading.

Valorant started out giving bits of information throughout the initial phase of the game, now that Valorant has completed it's 2 years, we have a clearer picture of what is happening. So let's take a look at the Valorant Story!

Valorant displays the future version of our world for the year 2053. 

The First Light- The Start of Valorant

The reason why the Valorant game exists at all is because of an event that happened in the world. The event was called The First Light. The First Light is a mysterious and unknown event that occurred on the year 2039. It affected everything on earth, the technology, nature, people, houses, EVERYTHING. This event created an element called "Radianite". People who were exposed to this element gained unique superpowers (think of like the avengers). This is how we get our superpowered agents (the character we choose to ply with).

People were still cruel in 2050s and the Radianite was too powerful for the world to handle, so some people went villains, while others were humble. Because of this, 2 powerful organizations were created to make the appropriate use of the Radianite and superpowered people. These organizations were called Kingdom and the VALORANT Protocol.

The organizations were set up to protect the Radianite. They don't know what exactly it is but it's some kind of powerful material which can be abused. 

VALORANT Protocol and Kingdom

Kingdom is a massive organization in the Valorant universe which set up right after The First Light. They produce and store Radianite. They have built tons of buildings and have thousands of people working for them. Maybe they also have a CEO, we never know!!

Kingdom supplies Radianite for their advantage. They create superpowers, advanced technology weapons, hi-tech gadgets, and all sort of tech related stuffs. They are afraid of those superpowered villains who abused the Radianite for their good. they created a secret sub-organization called VALORANT Protocol. Nonetheless, the people who created the organization are Brimstone and Viper. YES, the Valorant's very own powerful agents.

VALORANT Protocol sought out the grudge of the people against the Kingdom. They helped keeping the superpowered villains away. They have recruited superpowered people to the Protocol, to keep peace in the world, but we never know what would happen next.....

Stay tuned for the upcoming blog where I'll be writing about things which happened after the First Light disaster and possibly a mirror world???. There's so much burning up!!


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