The Valorant Story in 2049, Face-off between Jett & Phoenix and the Mirror World

"Don't mess up that pretty face Phoenix". We have often seen Jett flirting up with Phoenix within the in-game voice lines. But do you know they were rivals way before Valorant was created?? If not, let's find out what exactly happened between the two. So we are in 2049, the world after The First Light disaster. In a beautiful city of Venice, Italy, there's this woman called Jet appearing to be planting some sort of bomb (a spike). The Kingdom sent a guy named Phoenix. Jett and Phoenix, they both are superpowered humans having Radianite technology. phoenix was sent in to fight Jett giving us a picture of the first ever Valorant cinematic scene. But a bad news, the bomb blew off and that made the beautiful city of Venice turned into chunks. But hold on, this chunk of land is now a battlefield (a map) in Valorant called "Ascent". you might be wondering how a bomb infected land turned into a battlefield? yeah, so it all happened because the bomb (a spike) w...